Wednesday 16 May 2012


I have decided to use the September 11 attacks for my double page spread. I will be using terorism as a form of conflict. I want to include the conspircay theory and if it has anything to do with the american government. I will be using cs3 photoshop to create a few different magazine ideas and also chose one to be my final piece.
9/11 Attacks Conspircay/ Are the American government behind it?
·         September 9th 2001
·         Washington
·         New York
·         Flights 11, 77, 175, 93
·         WTC made of steel and planes made of aluminum: plane nose and wings would have been destroyed instantly
·         Instead the plane went through the tower
·         Every piece of footage from the attacks, show very bad quality – could be computer generated
·         Each different picture of the plane hitting the 2nd tower are all different. Some blue, grey, black, and white.

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