Friday 1 June 2012

Graphic Design Techniques

Graphic Design Techniques
Graphic design is a creative process, which refers to a number of artistic and professional disciplines that focus on visual communication and presentation.  The field as a whole is often referred to a Visual Communication Design.
Graphic Illustration: Combining hand drawn illustration and take it in to a software program like Photoshop. Mix media 

Graphics and Photography: Combination of photographs and graphic. Using a photograph and incourprating graphics.
Package Design is when art and technology are used to create products for distribution, storage sale and use.

Advertising/Marketing: Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to continue or take some new action 

Print Publication Design: This covers a wide range of formats such as newsletters, magazines and books. They have to be a certain size and format.

Logo/Typography Design a mark of an emblem used by commercial enterprises and organizations. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name of the organization (text) typography. 

Web Designer: This is the process of planning and creating a website. Text images, digital media and interactive elements are used by web designers to produce the page seen on the web browser.

I-Media Design- Apps: Application software, also known as an ‘app’ is computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks.

Games Designer-  Game development is the process of designing content and rules of a game in the pre production stage. Also the design off game play, environment, storyline and characters. 

Software that I have used: CS3 Photoshop while I have learnt the principals of graphic design. Balance is what gives a design stability and equilibrium. It distributes visual “weight” throughout space making the design seem fluid rather than lopsided or heavy. The image to the right is an example of symmetrical balance. Rhythm and unity are the design principles that bring everything together. By repetitions of a visual image rhythm imparts a sense of organization that brings a graphic together. The design principle of unity dictates that everything on the page is visually joined to something else thus giving the work a feeling of wholeness or “oneness”.

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